Confidence With Custom : The Feeling Of A CEO skirt

Washington, DC- It's always a pleasure to feature our lovely clients. Today, we have Dani Sauter in the spotlight. 

I met her towards the end of 2014. She's the beauty behind Blonde In The District. I remember her being charming and friendly. We chatted for hours about how hard it is to juggle a full time job and a fashion business. After downing more coffee, we realized we shared several things in common. We both loved fashion, pencil skirts and helping other women feel confident. Since then, we've mutually encouraged each other to push through tough times. In addition to growing her blog, Dani is now a contributor for Styleblend Magazine and Everywhere Society.

Last year, ZOPHIA had the honor of designing a CEO skirt for her. She's truly been a ZOPHIA ambassador from day one, a true believer of the custom design process. With each fitting, we came closer to a new level of confidence. 

For a closer look at Dani and her style, check out her latest post. To learn more about our design process and fabric selections, shoot us an email. We'd be happy to hear from you!

Betsy GarceteComment